Emotions are called sensory reactions (affect) of a person to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, they always reflect a subjective assessment, attitude to what is happening. Lower emotions are caused by elementary (vital) stimuli (bad or good weather, satiety, fatigue, sexual satisfaction), reflect the degree of satisfaction of various instincts. Emotions can be […]
Read MoreThirasia – Express it may be verbosity or be interspersed with Proverbs, puns. It is noted with accelerated thinking, the degree of severity of which directly affects the speech disorder. Logorrhea (polyphasia, speech incontinence) is an extreme case of accelerated speech, fast, long-winded speech (often incoherent content). Bradfute (oligophagy) slow speech, utterances are often monosyllabic, […]
Read MoreDementia is an acquired form of dementia. Dementia, in contrast to oligophrenia, is always progradient, although the rate of decline in intelligence can vary greatly with different diseases. The final stage of the process of intellectual decline, leading to the complete collapse of mental activity, is called mental insanity. Lacunar (focal, Gimnazicheskaya) de mentia. Intellectual […]
Read MoreIntelligence is a set of cognitive abilities of a person, the desire to acquire new knowledge. Well-developed logical memory, purposeful thinking and high volitional activity are prerequisites for the formation of intelligence. There are two types of intelligence: practical and theoretical. Intelligence can be high, medium, or below average. Dementia is a pathology of the […]
Read MoreMemory is a cognitive (Gnostic) function that allows you to accumulate perceived information. It is manifested in the form of abilities (functions) to record, hold and reproduce information (fixation, retention and reproduction). Short-term memory is characterized by the fact that a large amount of constantly incoming information is imprinted in memory for a short time, […]
Read MoreThe nonsense of staging. Patients are convinced that others are playing a special show for them. Combined with the delirium of intermetamorphosis, which is characterized by delusional forms of false recognition. Symptom of a negative and positive double (Karp syndrome). When the symptom of a negative double, the patient takes close people for strangers. Fregoli […]
Read MoreDelirium of staging. Patients are convinced that others are playing a special performance for them. It is combined with the delirium of intermetamorphosis, which is characterized by delusional forms of false recognition. Symptom of a negative and positive double (Carpg’s syndrome). When the symptom of a negative double, the patient takes close people for strangers. […]
Read MoreTrue hallucinations – the patient perceives hallucinatory images as part of the real world, the content of hallucinations is reflected in the behavior of the patient. Patients “shake off” imaginary insects, flee from monsters, talk to imaginary interlocutors, plug their ears, which can be an objective sign of their presence. Typical extraprice False hallucinations – […]
Read MoreHallucinations – perception disorder in the form of images and ideas, occurring with no real object. Simple hallucinatory images occur in one analyzer (for example, only visual). Complex (complex) – two or more analyzers participate in the formation of images. The content of hallucinations is associated with the total plot. On analyzers (on modalities) allocate […]
Read MoreThe syndrome as a stage of the disease can be the same in various mental disorders, which is due to the adaptation of the body to the changed conditions of life (disease) and is achieved with the help of similar methods of response. This manifestation is observed in the form of symptoms and syndromes, which […]
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