Delirium of staging. Patients are convinced that others are playing a special performance for them. It is combined with the delirium of intermetamorphosis, which is characterized by delusional forms of false recognition.

Symptom of a negative and positive double (Carpg’s syndrome). When the symptom of a negative double, the patient takes close people for strangers.

Fregoli symptom-the patient feels that the same person appears to him in different reincarnations.

Delirium of self-accusation (convince that sinners).

Delirium of megalomanic content – the patient believes that all mankind suffers because of it. The patient is dangerous to himself, extended suicides are possible.

Nihilistic delirium (delirium of denial) – patients are convinced that they have no internal organs, there is no possibility of safe functioning of organs, patients consider themselves living corpses.

Hypochondriac delirium-patients are convinced that they have a physical disease.

Delusions of physical disability (dysmorphic delusions) are characteristic of adolescence. Patients are convinced that they have an external deformity. Behavioral disorders are very significant, combined with delusions of attitude and depression.

Delirium of jealousy, very persistent. Patients are socially dangerous. It is typical for the elderly, sometimes associated with the extinction of sexual function.

Rare variants of the content of delusional ideas.

Retrospective (introspective) delusions-delusional ideas relate to a past life (for example, delusions of jealousy after the death of a spouse).

Residual delirium-observed in patients after coming out of psychosis, a state of altered consciousness. Delusional syndromes.

Paranoid syndrome – the presence of a monothematic primary systematized delirium. One theme is typical, usually delusions of persecution, jealousy, and invention. Delirium is primary, since delirium is not associated with hallucinatory experiences. Systematized, since the patient has a system of evidence that has its own logic.

Paranoid syndrome – delusions are diverse, several variants of delusions (relationships, special meaning, persecution). The structure of this syndrome often includes perception disorders (hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome – delusions are diverse, the content of delusions is secondary, often determined by the content of hallucinations). The content of delusions changes dynamically.

Acute course (acute paranoid) is characteristic of schizoaffective psychosis, paroxysmal schizophrenia, organic brain diseases, intoxication.

Chronic course occurs in the paranoid form of schizophrenia, a frequent variant is the Gal-lucinator-paranoid Kandinsky– clerambault syndrome.

Dysmorphic syndrome. Delirium of external ugliness, delirium of attitude, depression.