Super-valuable ideas are thoughts that are closely connected with the patient’s personality, determine his behavior, have a basis in a real situation, and follow from it. According to the content, there are super-valuable ideas of jealousy, invention, reformation, personal superiority, litigious, hypochondriac content.

Delusional ideas are false conclusions that arise on a painful basis, the patient is not critical of them, does not give in to dissuasion. The presence of delusions is a symptom of psychosis.

The main signs of delusional ideas: absurdity, incorrect content, complete lack of criticism, the inability to dissuade, determining influence on the behavior of the patient.

According to the mechanism of occurrence, the following types of delusions are distinguished.

Primary delusion-delusional ideas arise first. Sometimes present in the form of monosimptomnoe usually systematic, monothematic. It is characterized by the presence of successive stages of formation: delusional mood, delusional perception, delusional interpretation, and the crystallization of delirium.

Secondary delirium-sensory, occurs on the basis of other mental disorders.

Affective delirium. It is closely associated with severe emotional pathology. Divided into volatilny and katatelny.

Holodilny delirium occurs when polar affective syndromes. When euphoria-ideas with high self-esteem, and when melancholy-with low.

Katatelny delirium occurs in certain situations involving emotional stress.

Induced delirium. It is observed when the patient {inductor) convinces others of the reality of his conclusions, as a rule, occurs in families.

Persecutory forms of delirium {delirium impact)

In delusions of persecution, the patient is convinced that a group of persons or a single person is pursuing him.

Delusional relationships-patients are convinced that others have changed their attitude to them, have become hostile, suspicious, constantly hinting at something.

Delirium of special significance – patients believe that TV shows are specially selected for them, everything that happens around has a certain meaning.

Delirium of poisoning – the very name reflects the essence of delusional experiences. The patient refuses to eat, often there are olfactory and taste hallucinations.

Delusions of influence – the patient is convinced that the imaginary pursuers in some special way {evil eye, damage, special electric currents, radiation, hypnosis, etc.) affect his physical and mental state {Kandinsky-clerambault syndrome). Delusions of exposure can be inverted.

Delusional ideas of material damage (robbery, theft) are characteristic of involutional psychoses.

Manichaean delirium – the patient is convinced that he is in the center of a struggle between the forces of good and evil.