Thirasia – Express it may be verbosity or be interspersed with Proverbs, puns. It is noted with accelerated thinking, the degree of severity of which directly affects the speech disorder.

Logorrhea (polyphasia, speech incontinence) is an extreme case of accelerated speech, fast, long-winded speech (often incoherent content).

Bradfute (oligophagy) slow speech, utterances are often monosyllabic, vocabulary and grammar simplified.

Verbigeration – stereotypical speech, utterance (shouting) of the same words and short phrases.

Monogononta (memorize) responses of the patient are not related with the asked question.

Formal (reflex) speech-responses of banal content are typical, but statements lie in the plane of the questions being asked.

It is noted in autism.

Monologue (speech in the form of a monologue) – continuous speech in space. Statements may be addressed to the interlocutor, but there is no need for an exchange of views, may be accompanied by other speech disorders.

Mutism – muteness, lack of verbal communication with the preservation of the speech apparatus. It may be selective

Neologism – characterized by new words invented by patients, incomprehensible to others. Word-making can go as far as creating your own language (cryptolalia, glossolalia).

Speech incoherence (speech incoherence, speech confusion, “speech okroshka”, “word salad”) – a meaningless set of words, devoid of grammatical structure. Observed in incoherent thinking, Amen-tive arousal.

Mirror speech is the reproduction of words (heard, read, or spoken spontaneously) backwards (from the end). Observed in obsessions, schizophrenia.

Pretentious (mannered) speech – frequent use in statements and definitions of obscure, foreign, often inappropriate words (for example, “glamorous”, “private”,” super-ordinary”,” megahit”,” impassably boring”, etc.).

Puerile speech – frequent use of words and phrases that are peculiar to children (deliberate Burr, distorted grammatical structure, mention of yourself in the third person).

Mawkish speech is characterized by statements with frequent use of diminutive forms in combination with affectively colored definitions (for example, “dear doctor”, “bed”,” pillow”,”my dear friend”).

Telegraphic speech is concise, short, and fragmentary, often with a complete absence of prepositions and conjunctions.

Echolalia (echolalia speech) is the repetition of certain words and phrases heard from others, the repetition of the questions. It is characteristic for States with a disorder of consciousness, for volitional disorders in schizophrenia (catatonic).

Schizophasia (shizofrenicheskie speech) is a set of words and phrases unrelated in meaning.