Stress : consequences and ways to get rid of it!

Many factors contribute to stress at work. Starting from responsibility and anxiety associated with the possibility of failure to fulfill the set goals, ending with the environment in the team. Today we will discuss the main causes of such phenomena and offer some solutions to combat them!

Time management

A heavy workload, lack of understanding from friends or colleagues and too many demands on yourself contribute to panic. If you have an environment where you are working overtime or have to take work home, you are unable to manage your time. Obviously, this is not conducive to an employee feeling good about their employer.


Stress is a major cause of “burnout”. Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness provoke a heightened sensitivity to any form of criticism. So it’s in your best interest to stop panicking for nothing.


Stress directly affects your ability to absorb and process new information, analyze situations and solve issues that require special attention. Under stress, there is a high risk of making a fatal mistake simply by inattention.


In addition to headaches, sleep, vision, and blood pressure problems, stress can negatively affect the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal systems. If you are not feeling well, you will not be able to physically do your job well, even when you genuinely love what you do.


  • One in five people experience stress at work
  • Nearly all 30 days a month, one in five workers are stressed.
  • More than 12.8 million days a year are spent stressed by all people in the world combined
  • In the UK alone, mistakes made by employees cost managers £3.7 billion a year

Impressive, isn’t it?

We advise you to understand for yourself what the main cause of your stress is, and then you can learn how to cope with it or eradicate it altogether.

Here are some useful tips that you can follow to resolve your inner conflicts and end stress:

  • Eat healthy food regularly, not just on weekends when you have time to cook
  • Exercise daily, do some physical activity, exercise, and practice yoga
  • Avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea, cigarettes and alcohol
  • Make time for yourself, your family and friends.
  • Meditate
  • Adjust your workload
  • Learn to say no.
  • Take responsibility for your mental and physical health
  • Be active, but don’t try to do everything!
  • Find a purpose in life and go for it so you have a reason to be good at what you do
  • Continually develop and improve your skills and learn new things
  • Work independently, relying on yourself and your strengths.