Hallucinations – perception disorder in the form of images and ideas, occurring with no real object.

Simple hallucinatory images occur in one analyzer (for example, only visual).

Complex (complex) – two or more analyzers participate in the formation of images. The content of hallucinations is associated with the total plot.

On analyzers (on modalities) allocate the following types of hallucinations.

Visual hallucinations. Elementary (photopsias) lack a clear form – smoke, sparks, spots, streaks. Completed – in the form of individuals, objects and phenomena.

Depending on the subjective assessment of the sizes allocate:

  1. Normotimicescoe – hallucinatory image correspond to the actual size items;

2) Microprocesses hallucinations – reduced-size (cocainism, delirium tremens);

3) Macroprocesses hallucinations of a giant. Varieties of visual hallucinations:

  1. Extra-campine hallucinations-visual images occur outside the field of vision (side, rear);

2) Autoscopes hallucinations – vision patients own DoppelgangeR.

Visual hallucinations usually occur against the background of a clouded consciousness.

Hallucinatory images can be painted in one color, can be mobile and motionless, scene-like, persistent and fragmentary.

Auditory (verbal) hallucinations. Elementary (acousma) – noise, crackle, calls by name. Background

we are separate words, phrases. Hallucinatory experiences are most often presented in the form of voices. According to the content of allocate:

1) imperative, or commanding, hallucinations (are indications for hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital);

2) commenting (imaginary interlocutor comments on the actions and thoughts of the patient); threatening, insulting;

3) antagonistic (opposite in meaning content, then accusing, then protect).

Tactile (haptic) hallucinations unlike senestopatii are of a substantive nature, the patient clearly describes his feelings: “cobwebs on the face”, “the crawling insects”.

Thermal-a sense of heat or cold.

Hygroscopic – the feeling of moisture on the surface of the body.

Haptic-a sudden feeling of touch, grasping.

Kinesthetic hallucinations are the sensation of apparent movement.

Speech-motor hallucinations-the feeling that the speech apparatus makes movements and utters words against the will of the patient. In fact, it is a variant of ideatory and motor automatism.

Hallucinations are common sense (visceral, bodily, interoceptive, interoceptive) manifest feelings of presence within the body of foreign objects or living beings.

Taste hallucinations-a feeling in the oral cavity of unusual taste sensations.